Sunday, November 11, 2007

Beware of the Scam Artist?

What is a scam artist? I thought long and hard before writing
this article as not to offend anyone. Nobody would ever be
complimented by being called a scam artist. A scam artist is one
who takes your money for product or service and never delivers
anything to you. They run off with your money to never be heard
of or found again. I have found very few people in the world who
are scam artists like that.

It has been my experience that there are similar traits in a lot
people on the internet and I’ll let you be the judge weather or
not you call these people scam artists. I usually find that
program jumpers have similar traits and characteristics to the
scam artists or maybe more resembling a swarm of Locusts. These
people are usually people who jump ship to every new program out
there on the internet. If a new program comes out, they jump in
it, take all you suckers out there with them until they have
sucked you dry and then move on to the next program. Here is an
article I found at Let’s see if this resembles any of the so called

"Internet Guru’s". Locust (insect), common name applied to a number of jumping insects and especially to the true

locusts, which are migratory grasshoppers (see Grasshopper). The true locusts cause great damage to crops wherever they

swarm. Control measures include the spreading of poison bait and the plowing under of locust eggs. Infestations

threatening large regions of the United States are combated with insecticides sprayed by planes and truck-mounted mist

blowers provided by joint federal-state programs.

Aside from the true locusts, the periodical cicada (see Cicada)
is another important insect to which the name locust is applied.
Grouse, or pygmy, locusts are small, jumping insects that are of
little economic importance. Most species are dark brown and are
less than 2.5 cm (less than 1 in) in length. Now, does this
sound familiar out there on the internet? I would love to warn
you about these people by name, but would never do that. I will
however, give you things to watch out for and let you be the

If a person has joined 3 or more programs in one year, they are
probably program jumpers, which as we see above, have similar
traits to the locusts and do more harm than good. These people
are simply out to take your money. No wonder they are making so
much money. They have perfected the locust style of business.

Otto Zepeda
I got scamed?

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